MOUNTAIN BIKING: Channel Surfing/10 Ring/Crossover



On Channel Surfing and Crossover the trail parallels the Green River bottom along an easy trail. Ground can be soft and sandy in the spring and fall and will in some areas become a bit more packed. This is typical river bottom ground with grasses, sage brush and cottonwood trees closer to the river. Portions of the trail are overflow channel for the river which may become impassable with spring runoff and high water during the spring. Crucial junctions to be aware of are the intersections with the Crossover Trail about 1/2 mile from the trailhead and the 10 Ring Trail on the northeast side of the trail about 1 mile from the trailhead.<br />
10 Ring winds its way along the foot of the bluffs above the Channel Surfing Trail with some intermediate tails sections and several difficult drops and wooded crossings which add a unique challenge to this twisting trail. Both trails offer great views of the river, the City of Green River and surrounding bluffs. This area has numerous wildlife viewing opportunities such as deer, moose, pronghorns, beaver, muskrat, raptors and fish.


(taken from the Wilkins Peak Trail System map available at the Green River Visitor Center). To get to the trail head of Channel Surfing, !0 Ring and Crossover trails begin on the north side of Scott's Bottom Road after crossing the river bridge. They can be easily accessed from Parking Lot A next to the Outdoor Archery Range. Channel Surfing trail heads northwest along the river bottom and then turns due east to hook up with the 10 Ring Trail. The 10 Ring Trail also begins on the north side of the Scott's Bottom Road after crossing the river bridge. The trail turns east uphill and then turns north and then back west to connect up with the Channel Surfing Trail. Crossover Trail connects to the two east and west legs of the Channel Surfing Trails. Crossover Trail connects to the two east and west legs of the Channel Surfing Trail approximately 1/2 mile from the trailhead. N 41 29.792 W109 26.269